Fiorina is able to process all photos with only one click, just write the text and choose the color you like. At the end of the process all of your photos will have a colored text and will be in the position you have chosen before.
Fiorina is able to process all photos with only one click, just write the percentile or the size you want for your photos. At the end of the process all of your photos will have the new size you have chosen before.
Fiorina will elaborate the values you have chosen, like type of font, font color, background page, number of columns, social network links and a lot more. At the end of the process your album will be visible immediately in your browser and you will be able to modify it with just one click.
Fiorina is able to create a Google Map with all photos to view them on the maps directly.
The generated code was checked with no errors, in accordance with the specific World Wide Web Consortium. This provides seamless integration with search engines like google, yahoo and compatibility on all devices.
Fiorina is able to create a convenient web page index which contains all the albums you have created. Besides being responsive and costumizable it contains also a search filter which will allow you to find the desired album link.
Fiorina has integrated a client FTP with which you can upload your albums in just one click by inserting the data of your host.
With this free program, you can create a gallery and add your photos to a map and more. No need to write anything in the command line. Here are some features you'll have at your disposal:
Over the years I have taken many photos and looking for them in the folders has become boring, I thought to upload them to my site, so I started to write a gallery that is also viewable on my smartphone and I have added other features over time, such as creating an index of albums generated, or process gps data and place the photos on a map to know where they were taken. I finally wrote a program to process everything from an easy user interface. So I decided to write one for myself and since it works very well I decided to share it with you. All of this is free with no banner ads or anything, I just ask that you subscribe to my social channels below and maybe make me a Donation. The program does not contain any virus, I simply have not purchased a digital signature and therefore is not recognized as reliable by antivirus, you can use a virtual machine or a sand box if you do not trust me! It would be nice to release the source code on github, if many of you will make me donations or subscribe to my channels I will release it and continue to update it for you! Thank you all.